How To Schedule MMPV Bacground Job in SAP

2 min readDec 19, 2021


RMMMPERI accepts a period/year or a date.

This action (Job scheduling of MMPV) has to be executed at the beginning of every month. Therefore some businesses prefer to have a scheduled batch job to do this task automatically.

In MMPV t-code we will create a variant.

Give a description to your variant under the field “Meaning”.

Go to “Selection Screen” section and select “D: Dynamic date calculation” for the raw “Date” under “Selection Variable” column

Define background job for the program RMMMPERI

In SM36 t-code and we will prepare our job.

Now give a job name under the field “Job” and specify the Start date and time.

Once you have successfully done that, you should be able to see below message;

View background scheduled jobs

Go to SM37 transaction code. You can enter your “Job name” or leave it as “*”




Written by Feyza DERİNOĞLU

SAP Tutorials - Industrial Engineer & Software Developer & Management İnformation System and Engineering 👩🏻‍💻

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